Sunday, March 14, 2010

I am second

Today in church we watched a great video. It was of Steven Baldwin's (an actor) testimony of how he came to know the Lord. It was pretty amazing! It was a great challenge to me as lately I've been impressed by the Lord that I need to be more thoughtful, more intentional about trying to share Christ with others. We expect missionaries on the foreign mission field to share Christ. I mean, that's why they're there, right?! So why did God put me, my husband, and my family here in Eastman, GA. Because this is where He wants us to be and this is where our mission field is. Why don't we see it that way sometimes? We get so caught up in the day to day chores, responsibilities, bills, childcare, work, etc., that we forget that we're missionaries, too. The part of the testimony that I loved was when he was talking about his maid. This maid was new to the Baldwin home and she was always singing while she worked. Baldwin's wife asked her why she was always singing about Jesus? The maid was so joyful, laughed, and said that she was placed in their home for a purpose, and that God was going to change the Baldwin's lives, bringing them to Himself, and they would become Christians and start a ministry. The Baldwin's were blown away! But I was so impressed by this woman's witness to a family that she was serving. What a challenge to me and my witness for the Lord. I think God is doing a work and I am excited and nervous and a little fearful. He is so awesome...I know He will give me the strength and boldness to do what He's called me to do!!

I am second...He is first!

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