Thursday, June 17, 2010


I am a big fan of children's books. I was an education major in college and I had to take an intense "literature block" of classes in my junior year. At the time it seemed like a great way to torture those of us in education, but I look back on it and I am thankful for all of the books we were exposed to. It opened up the world of children's literature to me, and I've loved children's books ever since. One of my favorite authors is Lois Ehlert. If you've never read any of her books with your children, go to the library and check her out. Her books are awesome!

Today I decided to take Sophie and Isaac to the local library after getting up early and taking them to the doctor. I figured, hey, we're already out, let's go by the library and see what the summer schedule is for kids. (They have story time and activities for kids in the summer) I haven't checked out books for the kids up to this point...I've always been afraid they would get messed up or we would lose them. But today I took the plunge and picked out some books to read with the kids. I could feel myself getting more and more excited as I looked around and saw names of favorite authors....Lois Ehlert, Patricia Polacco, and Normal Bridwell to name a few. I also saw a few new ones that caught my eye. I checked out and today we've sat down and read some books together. Tonight I read a book to Isaac (well, tried to) that is now one of my favorites. I could immediately sense a blog post coming together when I finished the last page.

Hands: Growing Up to be An Artist by Lois Ehlert. A beautiful story with the always wonderful artwork. I love how the book pages are even cut into different shapes and it seems like a surprise waits at every turn. I hope you are able to enjoy this one as much as I did!
Happy reading!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Back to Blogging!

If there's anyone out there who still reads my blog...please stick with me! : ) Life has been a little crazy, to say the least, and we have just returned from a nice, long road trip to Colorado. The hubby wasn't able to go with us, but me, the kids, my mom, 6 yr. old nephew, and my grandmother headed out from Macon, GA in the van and drove....drove...many, many miles over the course of several states and made it to Colorado Springs. It was an adventure, to say the least. But it was great! We were able to see some amazing sites. I think one of my favorite states that we drove through was Kansas. There were lots of windmills and beautiful landscapes....and wind. Lots of that, too. Of course, I took lots of pictures. I won't try to overkill, but I will let you see one of my favorite sites in Colorado...Pike's Peak.

Every time we would drive by it, I would snap a picture. I knew that it probably wouldn't look that great through the car window, but I just couldn't resist. It was breathtaking. On the way out to Colorado, I couldn't help but think of all the pioneers and families who made that long trek in a covered wagon many, many years ago, to settle in towns like Colorado Springs. I wondered what they must've thought when they first caught sight of this beautiful peak. I've had the privilege of reading books, seeing pictures, and watching movies of many wonders of the world, but this may have been the first time those from long ago had ever seen anything like this. I'll bet they were blown away...I sure was.

We had a great time seeing many new things on our trip. The best part, though, was getting to see it with family, having that experience with them, and then going on to be with family that has moved out there and visit with them. In all of my travels, the places I've been have been amazing, but it's the people I spend time with, meet, and develop relationships with while I'm there that make the most impact. That's what I remember most.

God bless! I'm sure I won't be able to resist putting up a few more pictures later : )