So this is the front view of the thyroid. Something I never would've cared about until this year. I honestly didn't really know much about it, either. I discovered a lump on my neck about 3 weeks after I had Seth and, of course, freaked out. I went to the doctor, not really knowing what this lump was on or how bad it was. When the doctor said it's probably a goiter (enlarged lobe of the thyroid), I thought...ok, thyroid...I know I can live without that.
The long process of having a sonogram, being referred to a specialist, having a biopsy, and now surgery has been quite a journey. My doctors discovered that I have a nodule, which I believe is kind of like a tumor, on that center part of the thyroid called the isthmus. The right lobe of my thyroid is also enlarged and has multiple smaller nodules on it. Honestly, I didn't really feel anything when I first discovered it. Now that time has gone on, the pressure and discomfort has increased. I have a slight choking feeling all the time. I've even felt a few times that food has a hard time going down. The anticipation and trying to plan for what's ahead has been kind of hard. So now I believe I'm just ready to get this done and move on. I'm not real excited about having to take medication for the rest of my life. Maybe it's a pride thing..I was really glad that I've never had to take medication on a regular basis. I've really not been one to take medicine at all. I try to tough out pain and only take something if it's too hard to get through. I'm thankful, though, that there is a medicine I can take and that God has provided a way for me to get relief.
So now I'm thinking about tomorrow. I've got to pack us up and we're heading to my parent's house so we can drop of the kids. I'll miss them. We're taking little Seth with us. I'll have to pump for 24 hours after the surgery but I'll be nursing him right up until we go to the hospital. Some old friends from Thailand are helping us while we're in Augusta, GA for the surgery. These are some American friends that I was a missionary with years ago. They are providing a place for us to stay as well as taking care of Seth for us the day of surgery. What a blessing! God continues to meet our needs and I'm thankful. I have also been so grateful for the doctors and medical care I've received. I truly believe that God has provided me with the best doctors possible. After the surgery I won't be able to pick up anything for about 10 days...including the I'll have to have a lot of help from family. It may be the rest I've needed, but it's not easy to know I'll be pretty helpless.
I know I ask for prayer a lot, but it's powerful. I would be grateful to have your prayers as we travel, take care of the baby before/after surgery, and do the pre-op and surgery.