Sunday, September 7, 2014

Moving along in Cycle 3...Week 4...and a little Turkish bonus

Well, I'm starting this post around 10 I'll do my best to get as many resources on here as I can before I completely fall out! : )
I thought I would also include a few words/phrases that we learned in Turkish last week when we had a visitor at our house.  Our school week was skimpy but we had a big lesson in culture that we didn't expect!  I don't have the Turkish accents on my keyboard so I'll try my best to put the pronunciations on here the right way.

*Hello--merhaba (mare-ha-bah)
*Goodbye--gorusuruz (gore-ew-sha-rooz)
*Thank you--tesekkurler (te-shek-ew-lair)
*How are you?--nasilsin (na-seal-sin) if you want to make it plural or say it with respect/please, you can add "iz" to the end of the word
*What is your name?--senin a din ne? (se-nin  a  din  nay?--almost just the way it's written)
*My name is _________.---Benim a dim ________. (I think the pronunciation is about the way it sounds)
*Nice to meet you.---tanistigima memnun oldum (tan-ish-ti-/h/ima  mem-none----the /h/ is kind of like a breathy h sound---old um)

Again...I'm not 100% sure on those pronunciations, but that's about as good as I remember from one afternoon session : ).

Ok...on to Week 4!
History: The Declaration of Independence
*I'm sure there are TONS of resources on this...I'll try to post some of the best ones I can find...
*This blog post has some links to a good variety of activities
*Gotta love School House Rock
Liberty's Kids episode: The First Fourth of July
*A shared writing post about the Declaration
*Here is a page where you can magnify the the left are the three GA signers: Button Gwinnet, Lymon Hall and George Harrison
*coloring page that includes the names of all the signers of the Declaration and the states they were from
If you see any other great ideas...I'd love to know what they are : )

Science: three parts of the nervous system
*We have a poster I'm going to put up with the three parts

English: Verb: Principle Parts
Home video on a nice way to remember the parts using the song Three Blind Mice

*For Geography I'm continuing to print the state flash cards from

I'm going to wrap it up there for now....I'm wiped out!  Hope you all have a great week!

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