Today I am hosting Dawn Crandall, author of the newly released novel, The Hesitant Heiress, and also new mother to a baby boy named Rhett. : ) Go check out my recent review of Dawn's book here. I'm so excited to have Dawn here today to answer a few questions about life, writing, and being a mom.
Are there any similarities between being a first-time mom and debut author? Your little boy is absolutely precious, by the way! 2014 is certainly shaping up to be an exciting, busy year for you! : )

Oh, goodness...I don't even want to think of my babies going off I know that putting your book out there has to be a huge mixture of emotions.
You've mentioned that you have ADD. How has that affected you as a writer and what advice would you give to encourage other aspiring writers who have ADD or ADHD?
Actually, having ADD and being a writer isn't that bad... as long as I don't have anything else to do. That used to be the case; I was a stay at home writer with no children for the last four years. I could focus on my writing for an entire day whenever I chose to. It was what I liked to do best, so it wasn't difficult to get into. It was actually the only thing I would think about for about 8-10 hours on the days I wrote. Now I have so many more things to think about (mainly, keeping one very precious baby content!) that thinking about my books, plots and characters gets squeezed out of "front and center" for such long periods of time, I really have to work to get back to where I'd left mt thoughts... The baby is only four months old, and I'm still trying to recondition my brain for this new normal. I'll be able to do it though--I've had to do it twice now anyway. Basically, every time I write a book, I end up teaching myself how to do it a different way than I had before because of life circumstances.
You're doing a great job, Dawn! Keep it up...because we love reading your books!
I know you told me once that you don't cook much, but my traditional interview question is what your favorite recipe is. If you don't have a favorite recipe, could you tell us what your favorite restaurant is and your favorite dish there? : )
I like a lot of different kinds of food. I'm not very picky... which is probably why I'm not a very talented cook. My favorite restaurant EVER is an Indian Restaurant in town, and I always get Chicken Korma (curry with cashews and raisins). I've never tried to make it myself. I'd probably mess it up.
I've never had Indian food...that sounds delicious!
What are you working on now?
Sounds great! : )Well, I'm still figuring out how this writing while being a stay-at-home-mom works!! I have lots of seriesand book ideas to go with, and I even have an idea for a fourth book that goes along with The Everstone Chronicles--I could actually keep writing about different characters in this series forever. :) I do also have a Contemporary Romance plotted out and started--which I did just to see what it was like. It was fun, and much easier than writing historicals, but I don't think I'll ever permanently switch over. I love history too much. Maybe it'll be published someday under my maiden name. :)
Thanks so much for joining us today! If you'd like to get connected with Dawn to learn more about her and her books, look her up on:
or her blog
If you'd like to see other stops on Dawn's blog tour, you can find those at

Dawn has been generously giving away some great prizes and free copies of her new book. She is also offering a free e-copy of her book today on my blog! Please leave a comment to be in the drawing. I know you'll love Amaryllis' story!
Happy Reading!
Would love to read this! Great interview Stacey!
I've never had Indian food either....not sure where in Maine is have to go to get it! :) ewe_r_merritt(at)yahoo(dot)com
Thanks so much for stopping by! I just updated with a link to the first chapter of the be sure to check that out. I know you'll enjoy it!
Thanks for stopping by, Keisha!! I hope you enjoy The Hesitant Heiress when you get a chance to read it! :)
Oh, I'm sure you can find it in Bangor! I love it sooo much! :)
Thanks for hosting an interview, Stacey! It was fun! :) And thank you for the awesome review you posted in July! I still love reading it! :D
I've thoroughly enjoyed being a part of your book launch, Dawn! The Hesitant Heiress was a great read...I can't wait to read the next books in the series!
Great interview Stacey! I'm glad to hear you loved the book- I'm really looking forward to reading it!
Thanks, Heidi, for stopping by! I'm glad you liked the interview...I always enjoy getting to know an author better : ).
This looks like a great book - interesting story by an author who has a way of capturing readers' attention. Hope I win!
I love reading classics like Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, and writings by Charles Dickens. I'm so glad that Dawn is bringing back some of that kind of literature. This series sounds good!
Excellent interview, Stacey! The first chapter definitely has me interested! I have a friend from Whidbey Island so I thought that was neat. :)
That is neat, Edi...I had never heard of Whidbey Island until I read this book! Sylvia, those are some of my favorites, too. I'll have to admit, I've watched more Charles Dickens-based movies than I have read his books, but Jane Eyre is one that I like to read again and again! Hey Renet...thanks for stopping by and commenting! Dawn does do a great job of keeping the reader guessing in this book. I love the twists in the plot!
We get to Bangor about twice a year., Dawn. We usually choose Chilis! Lol. Having a choice of more than four or five restaurants is a real treat! :) I don't know if I can get my hubby to try it when our eating out is a super special occasion! :) I'll have to try googleing it some time...:)
And the winner is....R Merr! Congratulations! Thanks, everyone, for the participation!
Thanks, Sylvia! It is a joy to do so! I'm glad to know someone especially appreciates that! :D Thanks for stopping! :)
Hi Edie! I'm so glad you liked my first chapter! :) Thanks for stopping! :)
I loved hearing that Stacey loved the book too!!!!! :D Haha--no joke. It's actually one of my favorite things now! I love how each person who reads it can pick something different out to comment on... all I can see anymore is the whole 89K word story--it's too close to my heart to see all the little things. I just see my heart on paper. :)
Sylvia!!! I pooled the names and drew yours as the weekly winner!!! I'll email you with more details!! Congratulations!! :)
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