Friday, March 23, 2012

Seth's baby story

It's amazing to me that over a week before I was planning to have my c-section...we had a baby!  It's been a whirlwind experience, but I'm so thankful to have our little guy with us...and if we're being honest, I'm glad I can breathe again!  : )  So here's a recap of March 16th...

Well, I guess we should start on March 15th.  We had a very busy week last week...really a busy couple of weeks.  My hubby has had a lot of church activities going on and I had the kids, the house, and all the normal weekly activities going on.  Last week we also had a missions conference and the kids and I would go to a good bit of it.  It was fun, but I could tell I was feeling pretty tired.  We've also had numerous doctor's appointments...for me and the kids.  The kids have been sick off and on since December and a few weeks ago we took them to the ENT.  We found out that both kids need their adenoids out and ear tubes put in and Sophie needs to have her tonsils out, too.  Whew!  Let's just say I've been a little overwhelmed! 

So now we're back to March 15th.  It was a Thursday and we had planned to go to Macon that night and spend the night at my parent's house because I had a dr's appointment on Friday morning.  After my appointment I was planning to go get a pedicure with my Mom, we were going out to eat Friday night to celebrate my sister's birthday and then head back to Eastman that night because I had a hair appointment Saturday morning.  Another busy weekend, but I wanted to get my pampering in before starting my last week of pregnancy.  I also had big plans for getting the house cleaned up before we went in for our c-section.  I had a lot of my mind.  The night of March 15th I was so restless.  I couldn't sleep well, I was hot, I couldn't get comfortable.  Our daughter also kept waking up needing to go to the bathroom, so let's just say it was kind of rough.  March 16th...By about 7:30 am I just got up and went down to the living room at my parent's house and turned on the tv.  I was feeling like I was having some uncomfortable cramping, but nothing too intense or at regular intervals.  Besides...I had NEVER had any early labor with my two other children, so I was pretty convinced that it wouldn't be happening with this one, either.  Even when several people said I might not make it to the due date...I was like, "no, I'm pretty sure I'll make it."  : )  I ate some breakfast and tried to relax, but just didn't feel that good.  My husband and Mom came downstairs and I told them how I was feeling.  Mom had to take my niece to school, my husband was about to go get ready to go with me to the doctor, and next thing I water breaks!  It was just a small amount at first, but I knew what it was...and was shocked!  I told my husband..."my water just broke!  Call the doctor!"  I was in a little bit of a frenzy because when my water broke in the hospital with my first child, her heart rate dropped.  I had no idea if I would immediately go into labor or what.  I called my mom, called the dr., and believe it or not...I went ahead and took a shower! : )  I didn't know how long it would be before I got another one, so I figured a 5 minute shower wouldn't hurt anything! 

We made it to the dr's office and proceeded to wait...and wait...and wait.  I was starting to feel a little nervous about all this waiting.  I know I'm having this baby water broke already!  Finally the dr came and confirmed...yes, my water broke and I should head over to the hospital (thank you!).  We left the dr.'s office around 11am.  We checked into the hospital, got ready, and Seth Josiah Daniel was born at 1pm, weighing 6lbs 13 oz.  As you can see, he has a head full of dark hair and honestly is too cute : ).  We stayed in the hospital until Monday morning.  Seth had jaundis so we needed to follow up with our doctor on Tuesday. 

When we saw the doctor, we learned that Seth's weight was lower than we thought and he had low blood sugar.  It was scary for me to learn all of this after I thought he was doing so well.  The doctor wanted to put him into the hospital to get him some IV fluids and treat the jaundis he had.  I was very concerned about my little guy.  We stayed one night and by the next evening, Seth had gained about 3 or 4 ounces, his jaundis was better, and his blood sugar was at a normal level...praise the Lord.  So we have spent more time in the hospital this week than we have at home.  I must's great to be home!  I missed my other two kiddos.

Life as we know it..It's been tough trying to nurse every 2 hours! and sleep.  That's why it's 1:30am right now and I'm still awake...waiting for the next feeding!  During the night I do have to go about every 3 hours just to be sane the next day.  My hubby is off for two weeks from work...praise the Lord!  I couldn't function right now without him.  We're traveling in some new territory right now, but considering everything that has been going on, I think things are going pretty well. 

Please pray for us...
*Seth would continue to gain weight and that I would be able to nurse him well. 
*Joe and I would have supernatural strength during this time of sleep deprivation
*Sophie and Isaac would continue to transition well to having a new baby in the house (they're doing great so far!).  Please pray for their health as they will both need surgery soon.  Both of their hearing has been affected by fluid they've had in their ears and Isaac has had a bad cough since December.  We can't seem to get rid of it. 
*I would continue to heal from the c-section and not get too overwhelmed with nursing the baby (I'm determined to do all I can to keep nursing him) or get too overwhelmed with the house not being in order (dishes and laundry are pretty much all that's getting done right now : )).  My legs and feet have also been terribly swolen...I'm sleeping with them propped up and putting them up all during the day.  Please pray this swelling would decrease soon.
Thanks so much for all of your encouragement through messages, phone calls, texts, etc.  It has meant so much to us and has definitely lifted me up!  We would greatly appreciate your prayers. 
Love and blessings~Stacey

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