Friday, May 25, 2012

Two months!

 How cute is he?!  I can say that because he's my boy, but I really think the rest of you would agree : ).  This little guy is two months already...really a little over.  I can't believe it!  I remember the time going by fast when my other two were babies, but this seems like light speed.  In some ways...the no-sleep, spit-upping, gassy baby ways...that's a good thing.  But in the this-is-my-last-baby's too fast.  I'm trying to soak it in and maintain my sanity at the same time.  It's a hard balance. 
 I love this look.  He loves to reach out his hands and raise them over his head a lot.  Other things he's doing right now...smiling and some sweet baby cooing.  I LOVE it!  Other things he's doing...still crying a good bit, spitting up a good bit, has lots of gas issues, and still wakes up at least 2-3 times a night.  Those things are tough.  Believe it or not, we have never dealt with most of these issues before.  Our first was a dream baby.  She ate good, she slept through the night at 7 weeks, wasn't too fussy, etc.  Her only issues was some physical delays but she has grown out of most of those.  Boy number one had terrible ear problems his first year of life.  He didn't sleep through the night until he was about a year old...soon after he got ear tubes put in.  It was VERY challenging and I felt so sorry for him.  So each child has been different and we're still learning.  I know one day this too shall pass.  My babies will grow up and I'll wish I could remember these baby days better.  I'm so glad I'm blogging : ).
How are the parents holding up, you ask?  Well, Momma is doing pretty good considering.  I think my biggest challenge is keeping up with the house right now along with nursing the baby all day and through the night.  The laundry alone is enough to make me shudder.  But it's amazing how I've got this surge of momma energy and motivation.  I want to keep going even when I'm tired, keep trying to fold those clothes and put those dishes away.  Praise the Lord.  Supernatural is the only way I can describe this energy I've got because I've never been one to get stoked about housework.  I'm also trying to keep things together in the midst of both big kids about to have surgery (tonsils/adenoids/eartubes) and having a biopsy on this nodule that's growing on my thyroid a week later.  The hubby is also swamped with being the interim children's minister at our church.  It keeps him busy all through the week and sometimes on the weekends.  Let's just say we're really busy right now.
We'd appreciate your prayers!
June 4th: kid's surgery (yes, both of them!)
June 11th: my biopsy
June 28th: Sophie has a consultation about her teeth (needs some pulled)
God bless!

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