Jody is also a homeschooling mom, so I wanted to ask her some questions about balancing life between writing, family and teaching. I also have one of Jody's favorite recipes...another yummy one that includes a girl's best friend--chocolate! : )
1. What prompted you to want to homeschool?
When my oldest child was in preschool, I had some friends who were thinking of homeschooling. Their interest and enthusiasm prompted me to begin learning more about it. The more I learned, the more excited I grew about the possibilities that homeschooling provided not only for the many educational options, but also for the character growth and training that I could do with my children.
After a great deal of prayer and research, my husband and I felt like we were being lead to step into homeschooling. So, we began our adventure when our oldest was in kindergarten and have continued ever since. Next year he’s going to be a sophomore in highschool!
2. How have you been able to balance home life, homeschooling, and writing?
It’s definitely not easy. I feel like I have two very full time jobs! But like any other writer trying to balance dual careers or multiple responsibilities, I’ve had to look for ways to make it work. I’ve scaled-back on outside commitments and simplified home life as much as possible. During the day while I’m teaching, I focus on the kids. Then when we’re done in the afternoon, I write for a couple of hours. I give myself a daily word count goal and don’t let myself go to bed at night until I get it done.
3. Has being a published writer been what you expected? Is it a dream you've always had?
Yes and no. Yes, it’s everything I’ve dreamed because I love telling stories and feel blessed that I can do something every day that I’m passionate about. I especially like the feeling that comes as I near the end of the book when everything looks hopeless, the characters are in big trouble, and somehow I’m able to wrap up the book in a satisfying way. The writing process itself brings me incredible satisfaction and joy.
But no, the life of a published author is definitely not as glamorous as I once believed. In today’s publishing industry, authors have to work incredibly hard, wear a lot of hats, and shoulder a great deal of responsibility. Building a readership takes time and effort. And the monetary compensation takes time as well.
4. What your favorite dessert recipe?
O’Henry Bars
4 cups oatmeal
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup melted butter
½ cup white Karo syrup
6 oz. chocolate chips (half a bag)
½ cup peanut butter
Mix the first 4 ingredients. Press into a well greased 9 x 13 inch pan. Bake 15 minutes at 350° and cool slightly. Melt together the last 2 ingredients. Spread over warm bars. Refrigerate. These freeze well.
5. Can you tell us a little about your upcoming release, Unending Devotion?
My next book, Unending Devotion releases Sept. 1, 2012. I’m really excited about this story because it’s set in my home state of Michigan. It takes place during the 1880’s at a time in history when the lumber era was at its height. Although the story isn’t inspired by a true person the way my first two books have been, I do include several real people, particularly a real villain by the name of James Carr who was notorious in central Michigan for his violence and for introducing white slavery into the state.
The heroine of the story is a young woman, Lily Young, who is looking for her sister who’s caught up into the degradation of lumber camp life. While Lily searches for her missing sister, she fights against the evil that runs rampant around her, and she fights not to lose her heart to the lumber baron who turns a blind eye to the lawlessness of the lumber business.
6. Where can readers find you?
I hang out on Facebook:
I also love to chat on Twitter: @JodyHedlund
Find me on Pinterest:
My home base is at my website:
I don't know about all of you...but that O'Henry bar recipe looks amazing! Anything with oatmeal, chocolate, and peanut butter ALWAYS tastes good! : ) I will definitely be looking forward to Jody's new release. I've read both The Preacher's Bride and The Doctor's Lady and I had a hard time putting either one of them down until I finished.

Jody is giving away a copy of The Doctor's Lady to one blessed (I won't say "lucky" : )) winner! All you have to do is leave a comment on my blog, along with your email address in the comment, and I will pick one of you on Monday, June 25th. I will contact the winner and Jody will send you an autographed copy of this book! Don't miss out on this opportunity! : )
Thanks, Jody, for a great interview, a delicious recipe, and the book giveaway! Readers, send in those comments! : )
God bless~Stacey
Thanks, Stacey and Jody! My husband and I run a home-based business and raise our kids and I'm writing my first novel. Busy, busy days!! Jody, you've encouraged me to keep going even within those moments I don't think I can. Thanks again, Tonya
Hi Tonya! Hang in there! It's tough to find the time and energy to keep going. But a little bit every day or week adds up over time! Hugs!
Thanks for the posted interview, Stacey. I liked the deeper look at Jody. Just FYI if you want to find anything cool to do with books/writing on Pinterest, follow Jody! She finds them all ^^
"The Doctor's Lady"....I'm wondering, what could this be about?? I'm already coming up with all kinds of scenarios!! I truly have no idea, but I'm betting I will be thinking of this as I drift off to sleep tonight.
Sorry it's taking me a little while to get these comments up...blogger is being a little fussy : ). Amber, I am following Jody! Love her stuff! I must confess I probably spend too much time on Pinterest...but I've gotten some AWESOME ideas from it. Keep those comments coming, folks! We still have a few more days until I do the drawing : ). Blessings~Stacey
Thank you, ladies, for the sweet words about Pinterest! I'm a HUGE fan of it! I think it's such a fun way to express yourself! Plus, like you Stacey, I've gotten some great ideas from it. In fact, just last night I was able to find a quick and easy dinner recipe from it! Pictures are so helpful to me when deciding upon recipes!
Well HELLO THERE!! :):)
SOO happy to have found out about this because the Doctor's Lady was truly great!
Go, Jody! (I Enjoyed the post!)
But, um, before I get to excited, would you mind telling me please if Canadians can participate?!
Would really freak out if I won this, I'd be great!!
Ouh, sorry forgot the e-mail adress:
Thanks again!
Thanks for reading and commenting, Ganise! I'll have to check with Jody about Canada : ). Blessings, Stacey
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