Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Eight Years and Going Strong~

Looking at this picture, I can't believe my dear husband and I have had eight years together.  It was a beautiful day on October 16, 2004...very similar to the day we're having now.  Blue skies, a nice temperature...I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day!  Just feeling the breeze blow through the open windows where I'm sitting right now brings back memories of that day.  But as I look around the room I see the evidence of eight years of life that have happened since that day in October...a little baby laying down playing with a burp cloth, my Sophie girl walking in the room asking why it's so cool in the house, and Isaac hanging out with his big sis.  And here I am...recuperating at my parent's house from my third surgery this year. 
When you walk down the aisle on your wedding day, all bright eyed, full of excitement for the future you're entering into, you don't know the road the Lord is going to lay out for you.  For me, it's been a road filled with adventure, excitement, joys, sorrows, hardships, and challenges that I never imagined.  Would I change anything?  Not at all.  I have said and done things that I wish I hadn't, but through those experiences I learned more about myself and have been given opportunities to repent and receive grace, which I needed to do to grow.  Another reason I wouldn't change anything is that through all of our hardships, God has brought my husband and I closer together.  Our faith and trust in the Lord has grown as well.  God has provided for us through the times of plenty and of want.  He's taught us to go out on faith together and we've seen His blessings.  We've been able to go on mission trips together, travel to fun places, and spend days recuperting in hospital rooms.  There have been "blah" days, sad days, and days we could hardly contain our joy.  I know the Lord brought Joe and I together to sanctify us, draw us closer to Himself, and experience a relationship that He brought together and has blessed.  I am so thankful! 
The Lord has been good to us.  This has been a tough year for us in a lot of ways, but I also think I've seen the Lord's goodness and provision this year more than any other.  May the next years continue to grow us closer to Him, to each other, and be blessed!
I love you, dear husband!


Anonymous said...

That's such a sweet testament of the love you have and the commitment you have to Joe and your marriage. You have a way with words and your words encourage and bless those who read them! I love you....Mom

The Great Adventure said...

Thanks, Mom! I love you, too!!

Keisha said...

Such a Sweet Post Stacey!! Happy Anniversary to you both! Been thinking & praying for you! Hope you are doing well & getting lots of rest! Love you!

Keisha said...

oh & Ditto on what your mom wrote! You are such an encourager!

Laura Behr said...

Happy anniversary! Praying for you during your recovery. Love, Laura

The Great Adventure said...

Thanks, friends! Love y'all!