Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Do I have the patience?!

 I absolutely LOVE these jelly roll floor pillows.  I think they would be adorable for the kids and so great for sitting on the floor while watching tv, reading, playing games, and more.  I can think of so many great ways to use them!  They're a really big size, too.  Perfect for my girl and my growing boys.  I saw some other floor pillows on this blog that only used one yard of fabric.  Then I saw this pillow and was in love.  This mom who writes the "Living with Punks" blog has so many cute and creative ideas!  How does she do it?  I want to know.  Because I want to do it, too!

The "Punks" blog linked me to a tutorial on how to make the jelly roll pillow, step by step.  Here's the link.  It's neat because it tells you how to use your scraps to make another, smaller, pillow.  I like that idea.  I think they would be so cute in my girl's room!  Two made with fabric to match the boys' room would be so cute, too. 
So all this is really awesome and makes me want to have some.  The only problem...do I have the patience and endurance to complete just one of these pillows...not to mention 4.  I'm not really sure if I could do it
: (.  #1...I have very little experience sewing.  This was obvious to me once again when they were throwing out words like "selvage" and had tools like a cutting mat and some kind of roller looking thing that would cut the fabric.  I have a pair of orange-handled scissors and a sewing machine I don't know how to work...um...not good.  #2...I have three kids 5 and under.  Enough said on that one. #3...I'm about to have surgery next week...what am I thinking?!  #4...I just tried to cut two strips myself...and I feel like giving up already...not a good sign.  The odds are against me...but I still REALLY want to do this project.  I would have to go use someone's sewing machine (Mom?) and really buckle down to get one done.  I'm hopeful.  *pause* Just finished cleaning up the baby and and the "big boy"'s potty accident...ok...so maybe I'm not as hopeful as I was 10 minutes ago. 
We'll see! ; )

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