It just occurred to me yesterday that I don't have a spelling curriculum for my first grader. I also feel like I need to work with her on her writing skills. She seems a little paralyzed when I say, "write a sentence about...." She doesn't know what to do with that. She wants to be able to write things, and she writes words and phrases she knows how to spell, but when she doesn't know how to spell a word she wants help. I want her to be able to cross over to writing things out even if she doesn't know how to spell it...just write how it sounds. We've got some work to do. So I called up a teacher friend of mine and she gave me some good ideas. I also started a Pinterest search for some spelling word and writing ideas. Here are a few spelling resources I found:
* This link is awesome!! It has 36 weeks worth of spelling lists. There is also a link to a list of dictation sentences to use for each spelling test as well as a spelling activity sheet for each list. And it's FREE! Hello! I think I'm going to go with this!
* What a cute set of spelling lists! It's theme based and apparently goes along with a curriculum they use in California. Some of the words are "challenge" words to use with gifted students. Another freebie!
There are lots more with cute little graphics, but many of them you have to pay for. I can't help it...I'm cheap. I like the free stuff ; ).

The writing activity on this blog post looks adorable! Great for a winter day. It's entitled "Loco for Cocoa"...and the way my kids love hot chocolate, this would be a hit!
This writing activity packet is so nice! Right where my beginning writer I think I'll be printing several of these FREE sheets! : )
Another cute writing activity about ice cream that includes a rubric. I really like having these free writing helps me to keep my girlie on track. I've done a writing activity about ice cream before. I used a poem by Shel Silverstein about ice cream and there are recipes out there for making homemade ice cream with ziplock baggies. I did it during my student teaching but I used 2 different sized coffee cans instead of the baggies. The kids were able to roll them across the floor....they thought it was so fun : ). If you look at the writing activities this teacher has done on her blog...she has some GREAT ideas! I was just skimming a few of her other ones and I am sure I'm going to try and use them. I need to come up with a creative writing time in our school schedule. I'll need the Lord's help because I feel like I struggle as it is to keep all the other subjects covered each day! : )
I'm sure there are a zillion writing activities out there, too. But I thought these were some good ones!
Here are a few more Classical Conversations activities I ran across for this week. Some look really fun. I hope I can get to them all. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am really loving this Medieval period study.
*A homeschool medieval feast that won't stress you out (I would LOVE to do this!)
* Another video on carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores....interesting but some of the background music was a little strange to me.
*A Lego video reenacting the Battle of Hastings (William the Conqueror). The filming was a little jerky, but the kids enjoyed it.
I have lots more resources on my Pinterest board...I'd love for you to follow me! (Stacey Daniel)
Hope you're all having a great week! God bless~