When Vance comes home to stake his claim on Meredyth, will she be strong enough to break free from the tangled web she’s convinced she deserves? Or will she find the strength to accept that God’s plan for her life could include redemption... and quite possibly the love of her best-friend? (from Goodreads)
My thoughts:My impression of Meredyth when I read Crandall's first novel, The Hesitant Heiress, was of a girl who was always close friends with a gentleman but never entered into any kind of courtship. She had brothers so she could relate to men easily, and was always comfortable around them. I loved that this book explores all that's inside of Meredyth and how her actual experience with a man has shaped who she's become. We were only able to get to know the outward impression of Meredyth from others in the first novel of the series, but in this novel, we're able to see all of her struggles and the depths of her heart.
I commend Dawn Crandall for doing an excellent job of using the first person perspective in both novels in this series. It took me straight into the heart of the character, and there were times when I felt as if I were experiencing her emotions right along with her. The title for this novel is perfect, as well, for Meredyth's heart is certainly bound in more ways than one.
Meredyth has admired Vance Everstone from a distance for years, and when he seems to be returning her affections, Meredyth is caught up in the moment. When Vance takes advantage of her, Meredyth is scarred for life. But instead of being repulsed by him, she feels bound to him. She is physically and emotionally connected and can't break free. She is, however, desperate for freedom, but can't will herself to accept it from anyone, even God. At one point she thinks that freedom can only come if Vance rejects her. This roller coaster journey is at times heart wrenching. I wanted Meredyth to experience love that is honorable and true, not this false sense of love that was more like a prison.
And then there's Lawry. Oh Lawry. He is a true representation of a gentleman. He is kind and persistent, wooing Meredyth with a love that is not self-centered. Meredyth has been oppressed for so long she thinks Lawry's love is just too good for her. He gently pursues her and offers her a gift that means even more than his love....grace and acceptance.
The Bound Heart is not just a romantic love story, although I really enjoyed that aspect of it, but a story of forgiveness, unconditional love, and redemption. Meredyth's journey is a great representation of how we are before we experience freedom in Christ. We are bound by the sins we have committed, but through Christ we can experience a joyous release from all that holds us captive. I will confess, I did shed a tear or two : ).
I would definitely recommend The Bound Heart, as well as Crandall's first novel, The Hesitant Heiress.
*I received an Advanced Reader Copy of this novel from the publisher in order to give an unbiased review.*

Be sure to stop by Dawn's blog, www.dawncrandall.blogspot.com for updates, giveaways, and more!
Thank you for such a touching review of The Bound Heart, Stacey! I'm so glad you enjoyed it--and I'm even a bit happy I made you cry a little. That means, as an author, I made you FEEL something profound. :D And that's why I write. I want to make my readers to FEEL what my characters feel, and feel deeply. :)
Mission accomplished, Dawn! : ) I definitely felt deeply as I was reading this novel and truly loved it. You definitely have a reason to be proud of your work! Well done!
Awesome blog Stacey!! Such a great review!Followed you!
Wow...thanks so much, Nicki! You made my night! : ) Thanks for following~
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