Thursday, September 30, 2010
Busy as bees!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My first book review assignment!
Within My Heart by Tamera Alexander. I'm a big Tamera Alexander fan. I discovered her books in our church library about a year or so ago and just devoured them! The stories are set in the west during the 1800s, which is one of my favorite times in history to read about. Within My Heart is the third book in a series and I have been waiting for quite a while to see what it would be about. I will be honest and say that you can pretty much figure out, even by the back of the book, who the main romantic characters are going to be. Even with that little bit of predictability, there are always twists and turns in the story that make it exciting and a must-read. This book is no exception. There are some interesting story lines with each of the characters. I think my only criticism of this story is that I wanted to see more about the background story of the main male character, Rand. I also felt like the romance took a long time to develop between the two characters, which I think it was a little more realistic in that way, but I'm not necessarily the patient type : ). Overall, I would recommend it as a great read, strong and interesting characters, and a good ending. The major event at the end wasn't the event I had hoped for, but still good.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
School fun : )
- 2 1/2 cups flour
- sprinkle of salt
- 1/2 cup salted butter (left out for 1 hour to soften to room temperature)
- 1/2 cup honey
Directions: Put flour in mixing bowl. Sprinkle and mix a little salt into the bowl. Place butter in the bowl. Squeeze the ingredients together, mixing it with your fingers until the mix is the texture of cornmeal. Dribble in a bit of honey at a time and keep squeezing and kneading the mix in the bowl until it is thoroughly mixed into one big lump (try not to overwork the dough). Cover the dough with plastic wrap and place it in the refridgerator for at least an hour to chill. Dough will be crumbly and stiff wihen it comes out of the fridge. Parents should squeeze and knead it gently until it can be rolled out 1/4 in thick on a lightly floured surface. Cut out shapes and transfer cookies to cookie sheet that has been lightly floured or covered with parchment or wax paper (I just sprayed some cooking spray on our pan and it worked fine). Bake cookies at 350 for 12 minutes. Let them cool for 5-10 min. on a cookie sheet before transferring them to a cookie rack to cool completely (I just transferred them to a plate).
(I shortened the instructions, but the ones on the website give more details on interaction with the kids...sorry...I don't have the url, but if you look up the recipe name, I'm sure it'll pop up)Hope you enjoy this recipe!
God bless!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Current events in the Daniel family
One other event that I'm very excited about is reviewing books for Bethany House publishers! I signed up through Tamara Alexander's (Christian fiction writer) blog. I have really enjoyed reading Tamera's books and following her blog. When she had a post about being a reviewer, I was immediately interested. The only requirement was that I had a blog in which I could post the reviews for the books I would receive. I waited for a while and thought that maybe it wasn't going to happen because I hadn't heard anything from Bethany House. Well, a few weeks ago I got my first email and it had 5 book choices! I could choose any of the books I was interested in and they would send them to me for free! I would then have to read them and post on my blog and one other site (Amazon, Christian Book Distributors, etc) what I thought about the books within a month. I should be receiving the books soon and off to reading I will go! So there will be some book reviews coming up and I hope you will enjoy reading them!
These are our two most current events. There are always little things going on around here. Lots of activity with church, ministry, homeschooling (which is going really well!), and more. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we continue on our journey!
God bless!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
A new Bible study
As you can see by the picture, it's called, "Women Making a Difference in Marriage," by Lana Packer. I've done this study before, but it was right after Joe and I had gotten married, so I know that I'll probably get something new from it this time around. One of the things that I love about this study is something I read in the leader's guide in the back of the book this afternoon. The author wrote that this study was not to be used to point out the shortcomings in our husbands, but to change us, as wives. To change our attitudes, our responses, our hearts. It's so easy sometimes for us as wives to point out that our husbands didn't do this, didn't do that, didn't help us with this. And when us ladies get together in a group...well...we all know that it's sometimes easy for us to feul each other's fires. That's definitely not what our goal is in this class. In fact, I think we're going to be dousing some of those flames with God's truth. We will be building each other up as women of Christ and asking God to work in our hearts. Only Christ can fill us to satisfaction. I look forward to seeing what God is going to do over the next 8 weeks! Please keep this group in your prayers.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
The first week of school
This picture is from our first day. They are decorating their letter and number folders. Any color sheets or cut/paste things we do that have letters on them, we put in our letter folder. We are also doing one number/week, so I made them a number book and I'm giving them a place to practice writing the number and then glueing/putting a sticker on that page that corresponds with the amount of that number. Hope that makes sense : ). Another successful routine is doing our days/week and months/year songs each morning. I've been impressed with how fast both of the girls are catching on and really getting into the songs.