October 16, 2004...a wonderful day in our family history! The weather was perfect, we were surrounded by dear friends and family, and I honestly don't think it could've gone any better. Seven years have passed and it's only gotten better. Joe and I were just talking about how fast it's gone by...but so much has happened! Here's a very brief recap:

We met on a blind date in January 2004. We took it very slow at first, only going out on a few dates a month. Circumstances (my job for the next school year) kind of helped things progress. We didn't want to rush, but we knew that God was putting things into place for us.

By May of that year we were engaged! Joe picked out the ring I liked the most and surprised me with the proposal. Five months later was our big day! Sorry...I didn't have time to scan any pics. I'll get to that one of these days : ).

I think this is our first Christmas together. I love this picture : ).

Have I mentioned that we love to travel and go on mission trips? We went on a 10-day mission trip to St. Petersburg, Russia around our 1 year anniversary. It was a great trip and good for us as a married couple. I was able to see Joe's leadership abilities even more. He has so much patience and wisdom. I am so thankful for that!

When I was about seven months pregnant with Sophie we went on a short mission trip to Toronto, Canada. We were able to fellowship with some missionaries there and see what their ministry was like.

In 2007 our first little baby was born. Our sweet little Sophie-girl. What a joy she has been to us. She's taught us a lot about what it means to be parents!

Almost exactly two years later our little man, Isaac, was born. He is full of little boy energy and loves to laugh and play. He also gives lots of hugs and shows a great sense of humor. Life would not be the same without him!

My, how we've changed! Our girlie took this pic for us a few months ago when we were at the beach. God has blessed us tremendously these past seven years. My relationship with my husband has only gotten better and better. I am blessed to have a loving, patient husband that I can turn to for wisdom, strength, help, and so much more! I trust that the years ahead will hold many more wonderful memories and special events. We're already counting down (well, ok, I'm counting down) the months until baby #3 joins us. May the adventure continue!
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