Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sew fun!

Ok...I couldn't resist the play on words : ).  I've been thinking and thinking about potential sewing projects for weeks now.  Mentally I settled on making a big floor pillow for Sophie. Let me preface this whole project idea by saying I'm a thinker.  Not that my thoughts are especially deep thoughts...but my mind is always going.  It could be thinking about the order of how I should do things to make the day go smoothly, thinking about how to cook a meal so that everything comes out around the same time, or, lately, what kind of project my limited sewing skills could handle.  I think I get a little overly-optimistic sometimes...making plans to do more than I can really do on my own.  Oh...I'm also determined.  When I get something in my head...I pretty much can't settle until I've at least attempted it.  To support my need to be crafty, I read an article the other day that said something about how doing a craft project helps stimulate your brain in a good way...and gives you some nice, peaceful feelings (I think it said that last part...hmmm).  A craft project was needed in my life.

Pinterest was consulted...and I saw many, many things I wanted to do.  The pillow stuck out in my mind, so I researched.  I compared different projects and tutorials, settling on a combination of a few things and trying to make something pretty and easy.  Off to Hobby Lobby we went and I picked out some coordinating fabrics.  I love fabric.  If I buy the fabric, I feel like I'm in the first stage of commitment.  Plus it's fun looking at all those bright colors and matching them up.  I's bad.  After buying the stuff I got back to my Mom's house (where I'm recuperating from surgery) and got some paper and drew out how big I wanted the pillow to be, using the sophisticated method of finding one of those neck things you can put your keys on and putting a pencil at the other end and using it as a compass : ).  I made sure I had enough fabric to do the backing, then by folding my circle in half, then fourths, then eighths, I determined how big I wanted one piece of my fabric "pie" to be.  I added on some to the sides for seam allowance, and cut out one triangle piece to use as my pattern.  Then I cut all my pieces out for the front of my pillow.  The cutting and measuring took quite a while, so I didn't start sewing until the next day.  Mom had to help me get started, but once we got going the front part went fast...and it wasn't too hard!  Then I made a button with a button kit mom had and sewed it on the top.  Putting the back on was a little tricky because I wanted to put piping in.  The piping was pre-made, but the tab on it was kind of small, so it took some careful sewing.  We had to go over it a couple of times to get it right.  But...the finished product was great!
 pillow pieces cut out
Finished! : )
Today...the day after the pillow project was done, I was determined to make some cute little ties for Seth and Isaac I had seen on Pinterest.  I followed the links to this tutorial that includes a pattern you can print out.  This was a fun and not too difficult project!  I used some of the leftover fabric from the pillow project.
 front of the ties
The back...I love the little bit of green peeking through!
Aren't they cute!?  I was proud that I t did these all by myself! : )  Getting the boys to wear them will be another story! : )
Now to figure out what project to do next! : )


Keisha said...

YAY!!! I love it!
Love the ties too! I can see those boys in them now! Great JOB!

The Great Adventure said...

Thanks, Keisha! : )