I look at the picture above and I feel like smiling. Our new fence. I can't describe how joyful the hubby and I feel about this. It's beautiful. It might seem strange to some of you that we would be so excited about something that is associated with being closed in and not having as much freedom. For us...this fence brings some much needed freedom! Let me explain. From the time our son was able to walk, he's basically been running. He is fearless, adventurous, and quite often disobedient. The first two traits I love about him....the last one has been quite a challenge. I have longed to be able to take him outside and let him run and play his little heart out...because I've known for quite a while that this boy loves the outdoors. It kind of made me sad that I felt like I had to keep him in. I simply couldn't handle chasing him around, especially when I became pregnant with our third child. This year has been difficult for me physically with three surgeries, an infant, nursing, and then trying to keep up with my little "active" child. The hubby and I have discussed a fence and how we could possibly put one in. It was put on the "let's do this one day" list. There was no way we could handle the cost this year. Once again, God stepped in and heard our heart's desire. He laid it on the hearts of several families in our church to come together and provide us with this fence. I don't even know all of those who ministered to us in this way, but I know those who came out and measured, cleared out the area, and spent several hours digging holes and putting it in...and I am SO grateful! The first day it was finished, we took the kids outside and my little "big boy" (he doesn't like to be called my little boy anymore) played almost all day...and loved it. He digged in the dirt, tried to climb a tree, played on the swing set...I could tell he was so happy! And the hubby was able to go out and work in the yard without having to worry about the boy running into the road, crossing over to the neighbor's yards, or just being where we couldn't see him. This fence has brought freedom...and joy! Thank you, God, and thank you church family! We are so blessed!
On another note...kind of randomly, I decided to add in some crafts I just finished. I embroidered these baby onesies for a friend who is expecting. I used to love doing embroidery but haven't had a chance to do much in quite a while. It was fun to get my thread out and put these together.
What prompted my onesie making was a little project I saw on Pinterest. It's a felt heart bookmark. I thought it was so cute and looked easy. I had some felt so I decided to print out the template and do a little crafting. It was so fun to put this together and embroider a yellow flower and instead of doing the stitching that was suggested, I decided to improvise and do this feather stitch on the edges. It was fun! It actually stays in the book, too. I shook the book after putting it in just to see if it was worth all the work. It was! : ) Might be some little Christmas gifts! ; )
Later this week the hubby and I are going on a little trip to Nashville. I am thrilled to be able to meet one of my favorite Christian fiction authors while we're there...Tamera Alexander! She's doing a book signing there for her new novel, To Whisper Her Name. Pictures to come!
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