I'm not a big shopper, but I love Ikea! I only get around to going there about once a year, but when I do get to go, I spend half of my time there looking around saying, "I LOVE that! I LOVE this!" and wishing I could totally redo my house Ikea style. What a fun place! Well, last Tuesday I was able to go up with the kids and my mom and meet my best friend, Kim, who I haven't seen in over a year, and her son, Elijah. It was awesome just to get to see her. It was fun to be able to shop around together and get some neat things. It was like old times.

Here are some pictures of some of my favorite things that I got. I bought this green leaf canopy thing to go over Isaac's bed. He has a lot of windows in his room, so I thought this might block some of the light. He also doesn't have a mobile, so I though this would be something fun for him to look at. I also LOVE these mixing bowls. One is kind of small...just right for small amounts. The other oneis really big, which is great for cakes, etc. I wish I would've bought more, since they were only about $3.50 for both of them!! They also have a rubber bottom so the
y won't slip. The ones in this picture are white, but the ones I got are sky blue color. So...if you're ever in the mood to go to Ikea...just let me know :-).

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