I'm still

catching up on all the Christmas activity, and it's almost the New Year! Honestly, I'm kind of sad to see another Christmas season pass by...I love Christmas! But I guess it wouldn't be so special if it were year-round. But wait...we can celebrate giving, and more importantly, the birth of our Savior...year round, right!? I believe so! Anyway, one of the greatest gifts I have is the gift of family. I have a lot of family...and I love them! I have been so blessed to grow up knowing my grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings. Now the first cousins and siblings are grown up and have families and children of our own. It's kind of amazing when I think about it. This year I have especially been reminded of how short life is as we have experienced loss. I want to take advantage of every moment and not let the sun set on any anger. Time is a precious gift that I want to enjoy while I'm here on this earth! One of the special moments we had this Christmas is listening to my Grandfather (Papa) read the Christmas story. From the time I was a little girl, we have sat at Papa's feet and listened to the story. Then after that, we also get out the 35 year old wooden birthday cake for Jesus and blow out the candles. We all had to do it...at least once...growing up. This year Sophie blew the candles out. How sweet to see my little one excited to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. I'm so thankful f

or that tradition. Another neat thing we did that blessed me this year was a little activity at our first family party. We always have a "program" that usually consisted of someone (usually one of the grandchildren) performing in some way, or playing a game, or acting out the story of Jesus being born (some of these we have on video!). This year we were expecting a game when my aunt brought out wrapped gifts for everyone. Then she told us to open them. Each gift was a food item for a needy family. We put all the gifts back in the box and plan to give. That's what Christmas is all about. This was great to me. We have had a great time with family this year. That's the greatest present of all to me, second to celebrating Christ's birth.
God bless you this season...and Happy New Year!
Photos: my dad and Isaac; Isaac looking into the box of items to a needy family; our fam on Christmas morning; Granny and Papa with Sophie and Isaac; another Papa reading the Christmas story; Sophie blowing out the Jesus cake candles
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