I am so happy that we have our internet back. Let's just say that about a week ago, I was not this cheerful. In fact, and I hate to admit it, I was tearful. I thought that I was going to be cut off from the outside world. I wouldn't have facebook, email, internet...kind of seems silly now. It's amazing how much I've become dependent on this little machine. It's a powerful thing. As a stay-at-home-mom, many of my days are spent inside keeping children fed, entertained, and warm from the cold temperatures outside. I appreciate the fact that I'm able to do that, but at the same time, it can get a little isolating. One of my solutions...the internet! So I was expecting Mr. MediaCom guy to come knocking on our door last Friday to hook us up with a higher speed internet. We found a deal that was actually cheaper than the lower speed we had. I was pretty pumped about this! Cable internet! Our old provider was supposed to keep us hooked up until Friday, but they cut us off Wed. night. So I was already a little edgy. Friday came around and the guy couldn't find our house. We missed the window of opportunity. I was not a happy camper.
I survived, though. The guy came on Wed. of this week and got it all set up. Less than a week, people. That's pretty bad that I was struggling. After the first day, though, I realized...I can make it. It was actually a good thing. As great as the internet can be, it's not the most important thing. I got more rest, I spent less time sitting around, I spent more time doing some other things I enjoy that I've neglected, and also spent more time exercising. Overall, I think it was a good thing that I had this happen. It made me realize, other than how I spend my time, that I struggle when my expectations aren't met. It's kind of hard to admit a weakness, but this is definitely one of mine. I see it in several different areas. And I think it has gotten worse since my single days. As a mom and wife, I count on things being done, staying on a routine, planning out my days, etc. When there's a glitch, it's hard for me to recover. This is something I want to work on. I want to become more flexible and try to "go with the flow" a little more. I always thought I was pretty good at that back in my single days (maybe I had a little pride in that?!). God is showing me more and more who I am now and the kind of woman, wife, and mother He wants me to be. Lord, please help me!
But here I am tonight. It's late, and I'm "catching up" on the internet. Go to bed, Stacey!
God bless,