After a trip to Hobby Lobby yesterday, I was inspired. I had seen a cute blog entry (from "a bit behind") about making a cute wreath. I glanced at how it was done and decided that I wanted to do this myself. To my blessing, Hobby Lobby was having a great sale on all the things I wanted to get to do a little crafting! Yay! So I bought some felt squares (they were 4/$1) and some grapevine wreaths, which were 50% off! I had a glue gun already, so that was all I needed for this cute little thing. So I started by cutting the felt into thin strips.
Then I rolled each strip up and hot glued it on the end. I had pics of the process, but my little camera didn't focus on it too well, so it was blurry. Maybe one day I'll get a cool camera. But anyway, here are the rolled up "rosettes" from one square of felt. It took 4 squares to do the amount of rosettes I wanted. This pic shows a square at the top.

And here is my finished product! I thought it turned out cute! Sophie said they kind of look like marshmallows : ). They kind of do, but when you look at it up close, I think they look like rosettes. If you used a different type of fabric, like fleece, you might get less of the marshmallow look. I was on a budget, so felt worked for me!

My other project was some cute hair clips. Rosettes are in, apparently, and I LOVE them...on anything! Shirts, hair clips, wreaths, you name it. I think they're so feminine. I never was a great hairbow maker, either, but these, I can do!

I put ribbon on them, too. The bottom one has Hello Kitty ribbon. I thought my niece might like it. The brownish clip below has a cute striped ribbon on it.

Crafting therapy in a few hours. My kind of night! God bless!
1 comment:
Very Cute Stacy! Watched Mark Ballard today at the Mistletoe Market, it was gorgeous but way to expensive for me!
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