There's just something about cupcakes. I've become very interested in them lately. Maybe it's the new discovery that our cable company has given us The Food Network as a part of our limited channel choices. The addiction...I mean addition...of this new channel has brought me a little more tv bliss in a season where there's not that much to watch on tv. I have a few tv favs...CSI Miami, The Amazing Race, The Biggest Loser...ok...maybe more than a few. But now that I've got access to something new, I can't get enough. And one of my favorite shows is Cupcake Wars. I love seeing what these folks can do with just a little cupcake. The flavors, the decorations, the presentation. The cool icing swirl they can do with a nice piping bag and tip. It sparks a little creative interest in me. Cupcakes aren't as overwhelming to me as a cake. Smaller, easier to work with, not quite as time consuming (maybe?). I don't have that natural ability to throw ingredients together and come up with something spectacular. I'm pretty recipe dependant. I'm also a firm believer in not trying to reinvent the wheel...if someone's already thought of it, then just go find it and get an idea from them! So what got me thinking about cupcakes? Well, tomorrow night we're having our Sunday School class Christmas party. I'm excited. I've been asked to make cupcakes. Hmmm

...what to do, what to do.
On the Williams-Sonoma website, I got this pic. It's cute. It looks classy. Doesn't look extremely hard, but that icing looks awfully smooth and fondanty. Do we have fondant in Eastman...if we do, I don't think it's in white and green...not sure if I want to deal with that. The chocolate sprinkles...I'm sure I could find those.
Next thought. Our class is made up of mostly very trendy, classy 20-somethings. I think they're awesome. It's fun

hanging out with them and seeing what's "new". Most days I don't even wear make-up, so I definitely don't feel like I'm up on the fashion scene. So in the spirit of cool and maybe trendy, I was thinking something kind of like this. (Plus it looks easier!) I'm thinking chocolate cupcakes, a sky-blue icing, and some white snowflakes piped on top, or even some cool white crystally sprinkles...or even some of those chocolate sprinkles? We'll see what the local Walmart has. And we'll see how much time I have (presently I have a feverish 3 yr old and a runny nosed 1 yr old). I wish there was some way I could incorporate Nutella in there. Mmmm. It may not be the best time to experiment. If it comes out...there will be pictures. : )
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