Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The big 4-0

Today is a big day. I want to rejoice in it, because things could change over the weekend. It's not my birthday. It's something I've worked towards for about a year and half now.

Today I stepped on the scales...and I've reached my first goal of losing 40 pounds!! I honestly can't believe it. Usually my weight does change over the weekend, so that's why I'm going to go ahead and write about it today. My "official" weigh-in day is Monday, but I weighed this morning anyway just to see my progress. I'm so glad I did!

It's not only a large amount of weight lost, it also means that I've lost the weight I've gained with my second pregnancy. Wow. He's 2 1/2 years old now!

Here we are...the night before I went into have a c-section. Mamacita! I can't believe my body was able to stretch that much!

And here we are...a few weeks ago. My, how we've changed! : )

My next lose 50 pounds...and be at the weight I was before I got pregnant with my first baby! I never did get those last 10 pounds off after I had I'd love to get there! That would be a huge accomplishment!! Pray for me.

And thanks for all the prayers and support! God bless!


Katy's Neverending Story said...

Wow! What a great accomplishment! Congrats!

The Great Adventure said...

Thanks, Katy!