Hi! I'm Sophie. Here is my team...the Cubs. We're lined up to go give high fives to the other team. I'm smiling right now because I really like all of my teammates. A lot of them are my friends from church. I'm glad I knew a lot of people on my team, but I'm also glad that I got to make some new friends.

It took me a few times to figure out this high five thing, but now I've got it down!

Mr. Daryl helped coach our team some. After each game, he said a prayer with us.

Mr. Daryl shook my hand last night before he gave me a trophy! My first one!

This trophy was worth it all. You see, I had a hard time going out in the field and hitting the ball by myself. I really liked it if Mommy or Daddy could go out there with me. Sometimes I was tired, or hot, or hungry...so my parents had to encourage me to keep trying and not to give up...even though I wanted to! Now I'm glad that I stuck it out!
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