This weekend has been great! It's been a Mother's Day extravaganza! We knew we would be pretty busy on Sunday, so several of my family members came down to Eastman on Friday night to spend time together. We watched Sophie play t-ball, had a picnic by the playground, and then let the kids play their little hearts out! The weather was perfect and I can't think of a better way to spend a Friday night.

Here's my sis, her little girl and boy, and Isaac

Ok..Mom...don't hate me for putting up this picture, but it's the only one I had of you that night! Besides...I think it's AWESOME! : D

Saturday we had some more fun. A couple of families in our church open their property up to all of the staff at our church for a fun day. The guys grilled hot dogs, sausage, and hamburgers, along with all types of snacks and goodies for us to enjoy. It was another great day! And above you see my little guy. I finally just caved and let him get in the water. I came prepared with extra clothes, so why not?! He loved it.

Here's Daddy and the kids hanging out at the dock. There was fishing, feet dipping, and tadpole catching going on. Sophie loved kicking off her shoes and cooling those feet off!

And this photo brings me to today...the big day. I feel so humbled that God has given me the privilege to experience motherhood. I had to wait until I was 29 to have my first, but I know there are many who wait much longer. I'm also thinking of all the little ones who are without a Mama and would love to have one. We're praying about being a forever family. We don't know God's timing or His plan yet, but we're definitely open to whatever He wants to do! Until then, I am so honored to have these two in my care. I'm also thankful for a wonderful husband who never fails to make me feel special and loved on Mother's Day! I am a blessed woman!
Happy Mother's Day!
Ok...I forgive you for putting that picture of me on your blog with my fluffy self playing on the playground equipment! It's all in fun! We had such a good time...I loved it!! Love reading your blogs always!!! MOM
lol...Glad you still love me : ). Thanks for being such a great blog supporter <3. And I wasn't thinking you were fluffy...I think you're fun! I would've got on there with you if I wasn't scared that it would break! lol
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