We've entered into a new phase of family life. Our oldest "baby" is now participating in extra-curricular activities. I've wanted to put her in some kind of activity for a while now--to help her get some exercise and do something fun with her friends. I even let her choose. I gave her several options: dance, karate, t-ball. I was kind of leaning towards karate. She quickly informed me that she didn't want karate, she wanted to play t-ball.

Here she is, a proud member of the Cubs.

We haven't really worked with her on her batting skills, but her coach does a good job. I'm just glad she went up there by herself. Lately she wants one of us (Mom or Dad) to be with her at all times.

Go, Sophie, Go!

I just had to include Isaac's take on all of this. I handed him the camera in a last ditch effort to entertain him while I was trying to get Sophie to go out to the field without me.
He wishes he could go out there and play, too. Maybe next year, buddy. : )
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