Saturday, April 16, 2011

A special day

We were invited by a couple in our church to come and eat and fellowship with them today. From the first time I met Mrs. Sylvia, I knew that she and her husband were neat folks. She came to the first Bible study I facilitated at church about marriage. Yes, me, only married 6 years and trying to lead these women to grow in their marriage. I'm just glad someone much more experienced wrote the study! : ) During the time that we met for the study, I got to know Mrs. Sylvia a little better. She and her husband, Mr. Charlie, met when they were about 15 years old, and had never been apart since. They've been married about 50 years now, and have raised two daughters, one adopted son, and 29 foster children. They hunt and fish together. Today they showed us the pictures of how they totally remodeled the house they live in now. It was amazing. It went from totally broken down, falling apart, to a cute little house in the woods. Mrs. Sylvia was up on a ladder drilling right next to Mr. Charlie. They ride 4 wheelers together, walk in the woods down paths they've made, and they took us down to the big garden they planted not far from their house. Can you tell I just love them?!

Here is Mr. Charlie taking Sophie and Isaac for a little ride.

I took this shortly before we left. We were relaxing, talking, and just letting the kids play in the screened-in porch. It was a beautiful day...warm with a nice breeze. Mr. Charlie and Joe rode around the property on the 4 wheelers and when they came back, Mr. Charlie went right over and sat next to his wife and held her hand. So precious to me! The kids just gravitated towards them. They gave Sophie that yellow duck...she named it Steven (not sure why!). She has not parted with "him" all day. Joe asked me later when we got home how I enjoyed the day. I told him I loved it. We haven't spent a lot of time with this couple, but as I said to Joe, "they are special". A special day with special people!


Keisha said...

YES THEY ARE!!!! I love how affectionate they are to one another!! It's so sweet!! Mrs. Sylvia is a woman of few words... but you Listen when she talks!!! Words of Wisdom!!!
What a fun day you all had!

The Great Adventure said...

Thanks, Keisha! Yes, they have so much wisdom and experience. Us younger couples need to spend as much time with them as we can!