Dear friends across the United States: I NEED YOUR HELP!
I have a fun idea for us to do during this school year, but I need massive cross-country participation. Have you ever heard of Flat Stanley (http://flatterworld.com/)? Basically "Stanley", a cutout little guy/girl, is mailed (or nowadays you can just email him...but I like "real" mail) along with a little journal from one classroom to another, with the kids taking pictures with him, mailing little fun things and postcards from the state you mailed it to. Fun, huh? One of my friends in Thailand actually received one once. I thought it was pretty awesome.
This year in school, I've planned for the girls and I to study about the United States. We're going to learn the states and a few little facts about each one. I thought we could also write a few people, maybe try to set up some skype appointments, etc. Then I thought of Flat Stanley. So...we're going to tweak it a little. Instead of sending a Flat Stanley to one classroom and then getting it back, I'd like to make an address chain. I would send our "Stanley" to one family's address and include who they would send it to next. They could send it on to the next address until eventually it would get back to us. My hubby suggested that I send about 4 different ones, starting at different parts of the country, that way the address chains wouldn't be so long. Does that make sense? I think it would be so cool to see how many states our Stanleys would travel to. Especially if each family could include something from their family or state. Hey...this just came to me...at the end of the year we could have a Stanley party! (I love any reason to celebrate!) : )
Please respond to my email address (travelingstacey@bellsouth.net), to this blog, or facebook if you're interested in being a part of our adventure! If I don't get any responses, I'm just going to start asking people : ). But I would love it if some of you would just volunteer. Hey...it would only cost a little time and some postage ; ).
I would love to do this. I did this same project when I taught 2nd grade many years ago. Please let me know when you get started. We will take Flat Stanley to lots of fun places in Destin.
Awesome! Just email me your address and I'll put you down. Thanks so much!! travelingstacey@bellsouth.net
i would love to do it too but seeing as though we're in the same state I don't know if you'd want us!! we'll be studying the U.S. this year too! just let me know!!
Originally I thought I wouldn't do any from our state, but we don't have a whole lot of participation so far so I think that it would be great! Just send me your address! : )
Hi Stacey.
We'd love to participate here in NJ!
We are doing the Flat Maddi and Flat Blake project this year, too. :D
Awesome, Jaime! Just send me your address and I'll put you down! Thanks!
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