Sunday, July 25, 2010
Training week 1...and on to week 2
Not only have I started my beginning runner's schedule, I've also begun a new eating plan. My running routine begins with one minute walking, one minute running, etc. I can only do three minutes of running total. I know, kind of sad, but it's a start. It's making me realize how out of shape I'm in! After doing the walk/run thing, I finish out the rest of my 30 minutes with walking. I did this Mon, Tues, and Wed. I got up early and did this! Then Thurs. I did an alternative exercise...Wii tennis. I hope that arm was really sore the next day so it must've done something! Then Fri. I took a rest day and Saturday I got up early (I haven't done this in a LONG time!) and did the walk/run and ran for 4 1/2 min. Today, Sun., I took another day of rest. I also played softball last Monday. I feel like I've really gotten a good workout this week! As far as the eating goes, I've decided (with the encouragement of a good friend) to eliminate processed sugar. For me that means no sweets, but I still eat some bread and some starches, but not a lot. I'm also not drinking a lot of juice...just 1 cup of grapefruit juice a day, which is supposed to help burn calories when combined with protein. It's kind of hard to drink because I'm not a big fan, so I'm taking it slow. Just every other day right now. I must say, it's been a little tough. I was in the grocery store the other day and I almost felt my mouth physically water when I passed the bakery area. I thought to myself, "I can actually smell the butter!"
Tomorrow I begin week 2. I want to keep it's going to be tough. I've got to get more rest (I haven't done well with that challenge). I also have 2 softball games this week...double exercise. But...I am reminded...I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!
God bless!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
More children's book favs

I hope you enjoy these books! I must confess, I need to read these and many more to my kids. Sophie is definitely at the age that she can sit and enjoy reading a story. Isaac has about a 5 second attention span, but it's never too early to start! Happy reading!
(I got the pics off you can't click on the pics and see inside on my blog, but if you go on Amazon you can)
Monday, July 19, 2010
A best friend reunion and wonderful vacation
When Kim and I were both about 15 years old, we both began sensing a need to have a Christian friend. We had been around each other, growing up in the same church, but we went to different schools and lived on different sides of town. Both of us have talked abo
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Plum jammin'
Monday, July 5, 2010
Reflections on another birthday
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Artists in the making
And there is little Isaac. He's just getting started on the top picture. I love how he points his fingers like that. He does that all the time to do things. The bottom picture is right before I got him up and took him straight to the bathtub! Notice the paint around his mouth? Yes, one of the first things my son wanted to do was taste it. I had never anticipated that! This little guy always has a surprise up his sleeve! Crayola paint IS non-toxic, right?! : )
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Running the race...
God bless!