Thursday, July 9, 2009

Catching up

It's been one of those weeks that has flown by! After my little girlie was sick two nights ago and had to go to the doctor the next morning (thanks to my hubby for doing that after I was up most of the night!), I've just been trying to catch up with things this week. I've been trying to think of something fun to blog about....a neat recipe or picture, etc. There just hasn't been a lot going on...just hanging here at the house, trying to catch up on laundry, dishes, and all the other things I have to do each week. We're going to be visiting with Mom and Dad this weekend and I am planning to cook a salsa chicken recipe that is so good...I'll be posting that recipe when we get back. I write, I wanted to mention my new fun toy I got for my birthday. Let's begin by saying that my parents, brother, sister and their families got me/my family a Wii for my birthday!! I mentioned it before, but I honestly am loving this thing! We consider it a blessing to even be able to have one. What I haven't mentioned is that with the birthday money I received, I bought the Wii Fit. This has been great! It will measure your Body Mass Index, keep you accountable with your weight loss goals, and it has all kinds of aerobics, strength training, yoga and balance exercises. Joe and I have had so much fun getting on it every night. So far I have lost 2.6 lbs! Woohoo! I can feel it in my legs, too. This has been very encouraging to me as I've really wanted to lose weight and get in shape. I was trying to walk outside with the kids, but it's been hard with the heat. I can do the Wii any time of the day (I usually wait until Sophie's asleep) and I feel like I've seen some good results already! Praise the Lord. You know, it's so sweet that God gives us good things like this. I thank Him for providing this for us! I hope you are experiencing His sweet blessings today!

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