Friday, December 31, 2010
Christmas in pictures (and memories)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
It's Christmas time!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thoughts on a Monday...
Saturday, December 18, 2010
The story of Christmas
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Favorite things
* A favorite I saw the link to this on another gal's blog, and I decided to check it out. I love "pioneer" stuff...novels mostly...but it definitely caught my eye. This is the blog of Ree Drummond, mother of four, homeschooling mom, living out on a ranch in the middle of a small town in the midwest, and calls her hubby "Marlboro Man". She has a blog-novella called "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels"...the story of how she met and dated Marlboro Man. The second I started reading it, I was addicted. In a few days, I had read all 40-something blogposts. (I know...I think that was a little over the top...but it was She's got a cookbook, she's crafty, and funny. I really wish I could be a friend of hers, I think she would be a hoot. But probably about 1,000 other people do, too. At least. She recently had some people over to her "lodge" to do cookie decorating. I might just have to put that on my bucket list. To be chosen to go to Pioneer Woman's lodge and decorate cookies. The chances are very slim. I'll be sure to blog about it if it ever happens : )
* Favorite accessory...scarves. I've always been a scarf lover. I wore scarves in college a lot, and have continued over the years. I started out with the short little see-through type scarves around the neck. Cute with a button up shirt and blazer (at least I think so). Now the style are the longer, chunkier scarves. I like those, too. I LOVE the scarf my sister bought me in Paris. I feel very cool in it. It's a pretty green, too. Mom bought me a scarf from the Scottish Highlands when they went last summer. They're special treasures. Plus, it's awesome if you don't have a lot of cute necklaces.
* Favorite sinus/cold medicine....Alkaseltzer Plus the pill form. If you have sinus congestion, go get this. I LOVE this. Joe and I both love it. I had a bad sinus issue last week. Couldn't even get a squeak of breath in my nose. I told Joe it felt like I was breathing through a brick wall. Misery. I took extra strength Benadryl, NyQuil....nothing helped. Until I went and took some of my Alkaseltzer. Viola. In a few days of taking it...I can breathe. I'm feelin' great! Thank you Alkaseltzer!
* Favorite thing to do in my spare As you can tell from all of my book review posts, I love to read. My latest read...and I think I finished this one in about 3 days...

The Frontiersman's Daughter by Laura Frantz
This story is about the life of Lael (Lay-elle) Click, a girl born in the wilds of 1770's "Kentucke". Her father is a famous frontiersman, but has a past that includes being captured for 6 years by Shawnee Indians. Lael is a girl who is a lot like her father. She has a connection with the land, the Shawnee, and feels her best when she outdoors, barefoot. The story covers her life from the time she is 14 to 21...and a lot happens to her and her family over the course of these years.
At first I thought this book was a little slow, and it took me a little while to get into it. But once I was drawn into Lael's story, it was hard for me to put it down. Would she marry Simon, the love of her youth, or Captain Jack, the Shawnee leader who was really a white man who was captured by the Shawnee as a boy? Both were interesting characters. I also loved the character of the Scottish Dr. Justus...a Christian man who not only healed the physical body but the heart. Great book!
I'm probably going to ruin my eyes with all this reading. But, as I've told people before, reading a book for me is like watching a really good movie. It's hard to stop in the middle. I've got to pace myself a little better : ).
I'd love to hear some of your favorites. ; )
God bless you this Christmas!
Monday, December 13, 2010
A new guilty pleasure...
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas singing and farewell cupcakes
Thursday, December 9, 2010
No cupcakes today...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010
More reading!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
New reviews!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Holiday fun
It's special, it's fun, it's great. Last week our holidays were slightly different than they've been in the past. As I wrote in my last post, I cooked my first turkey and we ate it with some family on Wednesday night. That was fun. Then we went out to eat for Thanksgiving for both meals. The food was good, but just not the same as my uncle's homemade mac and cheese, or my Granny's homemade dressing (that is AMAZING!), or that cranberry sauce that comes in the can (my personal favorite). We didn't get to see some of our family members that we usually see. My dad is still recovering from back surgery, so we had to take it easy. He wasn't able to stay for a long time at the restaurant. But some things were the same. When we got back to my parent's house, we played outside and took pictures together. Joe shot hoops, I ran around with Sophie and Isaac as they played with outdoor toys. More pictures.
I love posing with my girl : ).
Isaac was enjoying hitting the football with the baseball bat. He LOVES the outdoors, so he was happy as could be!
So that was our Thanksgiving. The day after, I did some Black Friday shopping. Yes, I got up at 6am. The lines weren't bad at all. I did go the night before to Toys R Us at 10pm...waited an hour and said forget it! And then, for supper...Mom found some of Granny's dressing in the freezer and we had that with my turkey and the canned cranberry sauce. My Thanksgiving was complete! : )
Today (Saturday) was filled with football, sleeping in, and putting up the Christmas decorations! I enjoyed it so much because this was the first year that Sophie was old enough to help me. What a great memory! So I had to grab the camera. I wish I could've captured her voice as she kept saying, "Mom, this is so fun!" or "Mom, it looks so cute!". I was in bliss. This is what I've always dreamed of...sharing memories with my children as we bond as a family. We worked on the house and the tree while Isaac was asleep. When he woke up.....
he had a big grin on his face when he saw the tree!! He lifted those little arms, touched it gently, and said, "tree!" Of course, I'm loving this. I was a little worried that he would try to destroy the tree and pull everything off. We're a few hours into it and so far, so good. Hopefully we'll hold out through the holidays with no major incidents!
And here are my most precious treasures. I love my little ones. I am thankful and blessed for these guys. They may sometimes make me shake my head and sigh in frustration, but I can't imagine life without them! God has been so good to us! Blessings to you this holiday season!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
My first solo turkey!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Crafting night
And here is my finished product! I thought it turned out cute! Sophie said they kind of look like marshmallows : ). They kind of do, but when you look at it up close, I think they look like rosettes. If you used a different type of fabric, like fleece, you might get less of the marshmallow look. I was on a budget, so felt worked for me!
My other project was some cute hair clips. Rosettes are in, apparently, and I LOVE them...on anything! Shirts, hair clips, wreaths, you name it. I think they're so feminine. I never was a great hairbow maker, either, but these, I can do!
I put ribbon on them, too. The bottom one has Hello Kitty ribbon. I thought my niece might like it. The brownish clip below has a cute striped ribbon on it.
Crafting therapy in a few hours. My kind of night! God bless!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Misty Eyes

"But before they left the garden, God made clothes for his children, to cover them. He gently clothed them and then he sent them away on a long, long journey--out of the garden, out of their home. Well, in another story, it would all be over and that would have been....The End. But not in this Story. God loved his children too much to let the story end there. Even though he knew he would suffer, God had a plan--a magnificent dream. One day, he would get his children back. One day, he would make the world their perfect home again. And one day, he would wipe away every tear from their eyes. You see, no matter what, in spite of everything, God would love his children--with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love. And though they would forget him, and run from him, deep in their hearts, God's children would miss him always and long for him--lost children yearning for their home. Before they left the garden, God whispered a promise to Adam and Eve: 'It will not always be so! I will come to rescue you! And when I do, I'm going to do battle against the snake. I'll get rid of the sin and the dark and the sadness you let in here. I'm coming back for you!' And he would. One day, God himself would come." Sally Lloyd-Jones
Misty eyes...again. He came back for us! And He will come again! Thank you, God!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
A little bit of Disney magic : )
Our seats were also great! We
Saturday, November 13, 2010
A homemade cookbook idea...
So I got three more novels in the mail from Bethany house to read and review the other day. I'll tell more about that later, but one thing I loved about the first book I read is that it had recipes in the back! Throughout the story, the main character talks about these delicious sounding lemon cookies that she enjoyed as a child and later makes as an adult. They really do sound mouth-watering! I was so excited when I got to the end of the book and turned the next page and saw...the recipe! Yay! Now I can make those delicious lemon cookies!
The recipe in the book thing got me know those cookbooks that you can slide recipe cards of your own into slots for basically the whole cookbook? I have two of those, and I love being able to put in a new recipe. Well, I thought it would be fun to have one of those just for recipes that you find in books. I've read several books that have recipes in them. Usually I jot them down on scrap paper and forget about them. But for a book buff like myself, I think this would be a fun idea. You could include the name of the book on the recipe so you won't forget where the recipe came from. You could do something like this for a book club, a gift to someone who loves fun books (and include the book in the gift), or just for your own personal cookbook collection.
I have a ton of those recipe cards. I think I may just start a section in my homemade cookbook just for "book" recipes. By the way, the name of this recent book is Hattaras Girl. If you get a chance to read it, I would recommend it. I'll be reviewing it soon, so I'll give a more detailed description of the book then!
Have a great day!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Two new recipes
Easy Chicken Casserole
1 can cream of mushroom soup (I used Healthy Request)
1 can cream of chicken soup (again, HR)
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
shredded cheese (I used some mozzarella and low fat cheddar)
12 oz sour cream (I only had 8 oz of reduced fat and it was good)
1 roll of Ritz crackers (I used reduced fat)
1/2 stick butter, if desired
Preheat oven to 350. Boil your chicken and cut into bite-sized pieces (I just used kitchen scissors and cut up my chicken as I put it in the pot). While your chicken is cooking, mix soups and sour cream together. After chicken is done, strain it, and put it in the bottom of a casserole dish. Then put the soup layer on next. The next layer is cheese. You can put your choice of amount or type of cheese. The last layer is Ritz crackers. Because I used reduced fat, they can be a little dry. I melted the 1/2 stick of butter and mixed it in with my crushed crackers and sprinkled them on top. If you don't add the butter, you will need to put foil on top of the casserole when you put it in the oven. If you do, then I don't think the foil will be necessary. Put the dish in the oven for about 30 min. After it's nice and bubbly, take it out and serve! It's great! : )
The next recipe I haven't actually tried yet...but Mom tells me it's delicious and has that Thai flair. I'm a big fan of Thai food! So if you like something different, easy, and good...this may be for you!
Coconut Lime Chicken Soup
Rotisserie Deli Chicken
1 15 oz can of unsweetened coconut milk
2 cups water
1/4 cup lime juice (2 limes)
3 med. carrots (1 1/2 cups chopped)--Mom said she bought the kind that was already chopped/sliced
1 TBS soy sauce
2 tsp. Thai seasoning blend (Mom used Thai stir fry seasoning and said it worked)
1/2 tsp salt
cilatro/lime wedges--optional
Take your chicken off the bone and put that along with your other ingredients into a soup pot. Boil and when your carrots are tender, it's ready! You can boil the carrots first if you don't want it to take as long. Enjoy! Let me know if you try it! : )
Monday, November 1, 2010
More homeschool adventures
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Word Up! : )
Honestly, I am entertained by this fun little cartoon! are my two little ones dressed up! I'm the most proud of the cape...I sewed it yesterday! We had to make a few modifications. Sophie wasn't able to have a Word Girl we did a Word Girl headband. Couldn't find a solid blue shirt for the Captain, so we did stripes. But overall, it came together...and it was a lot of fun!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Does this not inspire?! If you've never watched Chariots of Fire, I would definitely recommend it. If you don't feel up for the movie (it is a little long...and there are a few slow parts), just look up Eric Liddle and his life. He took a stand for Christ. But it's the quote that you hear in the background of this clip that has been on my mind this past week or so. I couldn't quite remember it word for word until I watched this tonight, but I remembered the jist of it. The quote came to mind when I was reading something a friend of mine wrote about not just exercising to meet a goal, but to exercise and find pleasure from it. I've been trying to start running, as I've mentioned before, but I have not found a lot of pleasure in the actual running. It's been tough, it's been slow, and it's taken a long time to see progress. It's also been discouraging...I still can't even run a mile! Ugh! Reading what my friend wrote, though, helped me see it in a new perspective. I still may not be able to run a mile, but I can find pleasure in what I can do now, and strive to do more. Now to the quote. Liddle (well, the actor playing Liddle) says something like, "He (God) made me fast. And when I run, I can feel His pleasure." So that's what I've been inspired to do this past week or so. I'm not fast, but I'm trying to run and not just feel pleasure in myself, but feel His pleasure. Glorifying and praising Him that I can run at all, that He has put this desire in me to try to run, to exercise, and lose weight. I want to experience His pleasure in my efforts. Wow...I'm inspired!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A Favorite Children's Author: Lois Ehlert

I think Feathers for Lunch was my favorite of the two books. The story was so cute and if I remember correctly, was told in rhyme. The text was short, so very appropriate for small children. Ehlert features several different types of birds in the story, and again, at the end, she shows the illustration of each type of bird and tells us what each bird is. This would be a fun way to expose your child to bird watching or talk about birds in your area of the US or world. I loved it!
What are some of your children's book favs? I'd love to know. I'm always looking for more fun books to read! We have story time during our school day and I love to read different types of books to the girls. Happy reading and God bless!