Monday, August 31, 2009
Fun with our small group
Friday, August 28, 2009
What's cookin'?
I added some cucumbers, too, for Joe and Sophie. I typically don't buy foods that I don't like...kind of crazy, but just habit. Well, I knew that Joe liked cucumbers and I thought Sophie did, so I bought a few last time we were at the store. I cut one up and Sophie LOVED them! Between her and Joe, they ate the whole cucumber...and it was a big one! That's one thing I've got to remember to foods even if I don't eat them and they do! We also took the opportunity to pray for our friends who are missionaries in Thailand. Cooking foods from other places is a great way to remind us to pray for those who are serving around the world!
God bless!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Singin' and Steamin'

Here it is...a picture of my steamer that I have begun to enjoy (I got this off the net, by the way)! It's Black and Decker's flavor scenter steamer plus food and rice cooker. You can steam different foods at once (it's got the extra basket that you can leave in or take out if you're doing different foods). It's got a rice bowl (I haven't tried it yet, but I hope to....I can't wait to get some "good" Jasmine that they have in Thailand!). You can't see it, but it also has a piece that goes in that has a little mesh basket thing that you can put spices in. I really like this thing!
On a different note, this afternoon I told Sophie, "No more tv!" I haven't been feeling that great this past week and PBS kids is very entertaining for her. The shows are good and clean, but I don't like the glazed over eyes look that Sophie gets after a little while. So, after lunch, the tv went off and I told her she could look at books, play with toys, or play with her playdough. I also thought I would turn on some music. I may have recommended this cd before, but I wanted to recommend it again because I've enjoyed it since Sophie was little. It's got several different artists, including Christy Nockels (Watermark). It's called Sing Over Me. There are great songs/lullabies for adults and kids.

If you're able to get it, I think you'll enjoy it. I hope you all have a blessed week!
Monday, August 24, 2009
What's cookin'?
Enjoy and God bless!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Consignment shopping
Friday, August 21, 2009
Health Begins with Mom
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Playdough fun
Homemade Playdough:
- 1 cup flour
- 1/2 cup salt
- 2 tsp. cream of tartar
- 1 cup water
- 1 tbsp cooking oil
Mix ingredients in a sauce pan (I did it in the electric skillet). Cook over medium heat until it forms into a ball, stirring constantly. Food coloring can be added. Knead on waxed paper. Let cool.
Like I said, the kids loved it! We let each child put in a different ingredients and they thought that was fun. My mom used to do this with us when we were kids, so it brought back great memories!
I also made a chicken recipe that my mom gave me for supper. We had it with brown rice and Jiffy cornbread muffins. I'm not sure what it's called :-).
- chicken...I used boneless/skinless
- 1 can corn
- 1 can black beans
- 1 jar salsa
Layer your crockpot with chicken on bottom, drain your black beans and add them, drain your corn and add it, then pour your jar of salsa on top. Let it cook on high for a few hours or on low for the day. I doubled my recipe and I had a ton left over! You can also sprinkle shredded cheddar cheese on top...yum!
We also made Lamingtons (an Australian recipe) from the Children's World cookbook. It was delicious! Again, I highly recommend it!
Hope you have a great day!
Monday, August 17, 2009
What's cookin'?
Buttermilk chicken:
- bone-in or boneless chicken breasts (I used three boneless for our family...and still had one left over)
- 1 can cream of chicken soup (I didn't have cream of chicken, but I did have a cream of chicken/cream of mushroom was still good!)
- buttermilk--some for dipping chicken in and enough to fill the can of soup once it's emptied
- butter
- flour--enough for flouring chicken in
Preheat oven to 400. Get your defrosted chicken out and dip it in buttermilk. After dipping the chicken, roll it in flour. Melt 1 stick of butter (I actually could've used was a little too much butter. You might could even use butter spray in the bottom of the dish). Put the butter in a casserole dish/pan and lay the chicken in it. Put the chicken in the oven for about 30 min. or until chicken is almost cooked. Mix 1 can of cream of chicken soup and pour buttermilk into the empty can and mix them together in a bowl. Then take the chicken out and pour the mixture over the chicken and put it back in the oven until it's bubbling and a little brown (I'm guessing it was about 15-20 min.) Good stuff!
I made rice to go with it (the gravy from the chicken is awesome over rice....or you could do mashed potatoes), fresh corn from the freezer, fresh peas, and for dessert I cut up some kiwi and apples. Very good! Sophie LOVED the kiwi. When I had everything put away, I noticed I had one pretty ripe banana and one partial banana that Sophie ate part of this afternoon. Normally I would just toss them because I didn't have time to do anything with them. Well, tonight I mashed them on a plate, put them in my mini-food processor and it made almost exactly one 1/2 cup of banana puree. I stored it in a baggy, labeled it, and now I've got banana puree to make something with! I also popped out all of my baby food from my ice cube trays, put the different things in baggies, labeled them, and back to the freezer they went. Honestly, I'm not really sure what is motivating me this much! Well...I think I do know. It's the Lord! That may sound weird, but I've been praying that God would give me motivation to eat and cook healthier for my family and also to keep up my house. He is so faithful! Not only did I do all of this cooking, but I also went through all of our files, threw out a bunch of stuff, and found a document of Isaac's that I had been looking for and praying I would find. Praise the Lord! He is so good! Even to help a struggling woman like me!
May the Lord bless you today!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Mommy was busy!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Birthday party
Here is my Grandma with one of her best friends, Dot McDaniel, and there's cute little baby Noah. We had a great time!
The next day we were able to get Isaac's 6 month pictures made. They turned out really well. We usually go to the Picture People. That's who we did Sophie's pictures with and they always came out really cute. We've been pleased so far.
This is random, but I also wanted to mention a website that my friend, Keisha, put on her blog. I looked it up and it's so neat if you want to get organized in your home. The website is: . It's also got a link to how to get organized if you're a homeschooler. I thought this was great! I also have a new tv show that I love. Let me just preface this by saying that Joe and I don't have very many cable channels. We have the most basic cable you can get with about 2o channels. We had an antenna for the first 2 or 3 years and I just about couldn't take the fuzzy picture and sometimes not being able to see the shows any more. So we got cable. But we don't pay very much for it. Anyway, every time we go to Macon or stay in a hotel, one of the exciting things is getting to watch cable! The "good" cable. My favorite channels are TLC and HGTV. I could watch them all day. Well, at my Mom and Dad's I've discovered TLC's Cake Boss. I LOVE this show! :-D I love watching how he decorates cakes. Amazing! So if I'm ever near New Jersey, I hope that I can stop by Carlo's Bakery.
I hope to hear from some of you out there in the blogosphere. Comments make me feel happy :-D. God bless!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A few of my favorite things

I also love doing photo albums. I've found that I really enjoy the memory books on It's the only thing I've tried so far, but I've been pleased. I've done albums for us and for other family members.
Something that goes along with photo albums is photography. I love taking pictures. I'd love to get a nice digital camera one day. I'd even taking a photography class if possible. I'd love to hear any of your camera recommendations. We've got a decent digital camera that I'm happy with, but would love to have a camera that would take REALLY good pictures! I've got a canon rebel that takes film that I used for years before I got a digital camera. I love it, but don't really like using film not that digital is out there!
I'd love to hear some of your favorite things! Blessings!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Busy week
It's hard to believe that we've come from 7lbs 4oz and about 19 in to 16lbs 12oz and 25 1/4 little man has grown! He's doing well (except his ear thing...fluid) and thriving! I'm so thankful for his sweet, smiley personality. He really brightens my day. So does my Sophie girl. I'm thankful for my kiddos.
Hope all of you are having a great week. God bless!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Fun for kids...
Ok...I don't know what I'm doing. Oh, well. But I thought you might enjoy the recommendation.
Another fun website that I love to recommend is It's a fun website that you can use to make up funny stories with your kids/students. I used this a lot when I did ESOL and when I taught in a regular classroom. Hope you enjoy it! Here are some other websites that I've loved over the years:
- : this site has some great funny/educational videos. Unfortunately, to view all of them you have to subscribe. But it's still fun to look at the free ones.
- : great for teaching economics as you run your own lemonade stand via computer for 30 days. Lots of fun!
- : fun stuff for kids
- : the only kids channel we have is PBS, so I love the shows on there. Especially Franny's Feet...that is such a cute show! You could easily do social studies lessons with this...and even do your own version at home! (Franny's grandfather has a shoe repair shop and with each pair of shoes Franny goes on an adventure and always comes back with something to put in her shoebox of treasures. I think it's adorable!) We like Super Why, Sesame Street, and some others, too.
If you have any to share, please feel free. I know there are more out there that I enjoy...just can't think of them all right now! Hope you enjoy these!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Loaves and Fishes . If I count it out, I know and am friends with at least 9 families who have adopted children. I don't think that is a coincidence. We'll see what God does. I would love your prayers!
On a totally different note, I told a friend of mine that I would give her a homemade granola recipe that I had. I thought it might be good just to post it on here. I thought I had posted it before, but I didn't see it. So...hope you enjoy! This is a great snack or breakfast granola. It's also good on top of yogurt or ice cream.
Homemade Granola:
- 3 cups oats
- 2 1/8 oz sesame seeds
- 1 pkg. salted sunflower seeds
- sliced almonds
- 1/2 cup coconut
- 3/4 cup honey
- 1/2 cup olive oil
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp nutmeg
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 cup raisins
- 1/2 cup dates
Combine first 5 things in a large bowl ( I don't really care for the seeds, so I usually leave those can basically pick whether or not you want the seeds, almonds or coconut, but you must have the oats!). Combine honey and next 5 things in a bowl. Pour honey mix over oat mix and stir. Spread mixture in a pan (I usually use a cookie sheet that has the sides on it so nothing will run over into the oven). Cook at 325 degrees for 20 min (I usually get it out after 10 min, use a spatula and flip it over as best I can and then let it cook another 10 min). Add raisins (and I guess the dates, too) after cooking.
This has got a great taste to it! Hope you like it! God bless!